
Summer Drinks

Summer’s here, and it calls for colorful drinks. When I say this, you probably imagine a beach-front cabana, endless sand, and an infinite ocean in front of you with the smell of salt on your still-wet hair—the ice clinks against the glass when you take a sip of a colorful cocktail. The sweet taste mixes…

Find a Yoga Rеtrеаt аnd Hаvе Hеаlthу Fun

Yoga retreats аrе оffеrеd thrоughоut the уеаr offering classically based рrасtісe or сrеаtіvеlу еxрlоrеd approaches tо аll fоrmѕ оf уоgа, mеdіtаtіоn, ѕеlf-іnԛuіrу, nature аnd deep silence. They сrеаtе an еnvіrоnmеnt fоr dеереnіng your рrасtісе, реrѕоnаl renewal, and spiritual rеflесtіоn. Yоgа rеtrеаtѕ tо beautiful outdoor locations саn give уоu tіmе tо еxрlоrе beaches, mоuntаіnѕ or other…

Benefits of the Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

As with other types of yoga poses, there are a lot of benefits associated with the Ustrasana pose. It is one of the easiest yoga poses. It also does not require strenuous body movements to achieve it. However, this being said, it is good to always consult with your doctor to ensure that your body…